
The Fremont Troll

Sleepy Troll

Trolls from Candy Design A/S, Norway


Finnish troll spying...


Forum Trolls


Kittelsen Trolls


Arsenbak Trolls


Icelandic Trolls as seen with French Eyes


Forest Trolls


Trolls de Troy

Stone Trolls

Another link

More Norwegian Trolls

French Trolls


Brian Pilkington

Illustrator and Book Artist

He is not a troll (?)...
He is a gifted painter of trolls!

Brian Pilkington was born in Liverpool, England, and spent his childhood there. He has been living in Iceland for twenty years and is an Icelandic citizen.

The first book he illustrated was "A Love Story from the Mountains" (Ástarsaga úr fjöllunum) by Guðrún Helgadóttir, in 1981.

Since that time he has illustrated a number of books, also written text and illustrated his own books.

Some more of mr. Pilkington´s work:
Jólahúsið - The Christmas House

Relaxing Troll


Cheeky Troll

Proud Trolls

What is this Troll thinking ?

Gruesome Troll

Happy Troll Family


Norwegian Troll

Is this maybe an Internet Trollboy?

Sweet Troll


This is a page about trolls - internet-trolls as well as other trolls that like to tease us humans and make us aggravated.